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Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Optimizing to cut costs


Wind and sunshine could power most of the United States by 2030 without raising electricity prices, according to a new study from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the University of Colorado, Boulder.Even when optimizing to cut costs and limiting themselves to existing technology, scientists showed that renewables can meet energy demands and slash carbon dioxide emissions from the electricity sector by 80 percent below 1990 levels.The study, published yesterday in the journal Nature Climate Change, factors in energy demand, costs and, crucially, the role of weather.Co-author Alexander MacDonald, outgoing head of the American Meteorological Society and recently retired from NOAA's Earth System Research Laboratory, said the study sprang from discussions he had at the 2009 U.N. climate change summit in Copenhagen, Denmark.
1011 Red hawk Road
Herman, MN 56248

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Monday, February 13, 2017

BIM products accessible to all


The MagiCloud library is easy-to-browse so users can find detailed, accurate dimensions and comprehensive technical data for products by nearly 200 manufacturers. 3D views are included for each product, which can be spun and viewed from any angle. By bringing the whole database online, MagiCloud is hoped to enable designers to collaborate with teams from across the entire build - key to achieving the benefits of Building Information Modelling for any large-scale building project. Collaboration can happen both online and offline.
"The new MagiCloud library makes our accurate BIM products accessible to all MEP designers around the world," said Jukka Nyman, operations director at Progman. "Furthermore it opens the door for designers to use BIM. It's critical that designers can adopt a BIM approach where all the key stakeholders in a build can collaborate efficiently and effectively during the design phase."
1030 Red Hawk Road
Herman, MN 56248

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